Friday, March 2, 2012

China isn't happy with comrade Obama and the U.S dollar

 Sahit Muja: Albanian Minerals, New York

Sahit Muja: China isn't happy with comrade Obama and the U.S dollar
China to stop supporting the U.S dollar and Obama's presidential campaign
China is shifting sharply away from U.S dollars. With $3.2 trillion in foreign-exchange reserves, China has begun to rapidly diversify its currencies portfolio.

Chinese officials rejected President Obama's pressure for an end to China's currency controls and said President Obama should take action on its own soaring deficits instead of blaming other countries for its economic woes.

I think this is a rational move on China's part. I guess China finally got tired of financing Obama's never-ending presidential campaign and $15.5 trillion in debt.
China must wake up and reduce all foreign holdings, which are depreciating currencies.

China needs to hold gold and invest in green energy, metals, oil, gas, copper, coal, tin, palladium, iron, silver, chrome ore, aluminum and other commodities.
Now is the time for the U.S to have a plan of action which is unfortunately nowhere to be found with President Obama's administration, therefore the coming November we need to find whose courageous enough to do what's necessary for U.S economy.
China's reserves grow to $3.2 trillion while our federal debt has reached $15.5 trillion, along with an estimated additional unfunded trillions of dollars.
At the same time 15 millions of Americans are still unemployed, underemployed, or have given up looking for work.

Obviously we need to change our economic strategy.
 There is no question the U.S is on the wrong track with entitlement spending driving most of the deficit and politicians unwilling to face the unfundable obligations.
We have a political infrastructure issue that very much needs to or can be resolved. 
The Congress fails to address the entitlement issue, which is the main cause of our mounting deficits, because that will end their political career.

Term limits take that re-election issue away and would allow Congress to address the entitlement spending deficit issues.
Does President Obama who increases the debt, increases the deficit, lowers the nations credit rating, increases foreclosures, increases the number of people on food stamps, devalues the dollar, starts more wars, and divides the nation along racial and economic lines deserve a second term?

The worries that the U.S. dollar will soon lose its status as the world's leading currency are vastly overblown.
It is a concern expressed by a vocal element throughout my adult life. I appreciate the political heat they've put on to our reckless policy makers in the U.S but acknowledging their contribution doesn't mean their fears are well-grounded or the threat is imminent.
The fact is that the U.S. is by far, has the largest economy in the world. China is far behind the U.S GDP with $6 trillion vs the U.S $15 trillion.The United States has the largest gold reserves in the world.
 And the U.S dollar is still the world's reserve currency. 

The U.S remains the world's largest economy, and we have the largest military by far, the most dynamic technology companies and a highly entrepreneurial climate.We need leaders with experience in the real world, not experience in the phony world of politics.

The U.S has a history of reinventing themselves and their societies. This is the American culture, and yet, the U.S continues to reinvent itself.
 Americans have seen Superpowers outside their borders  come and go. Underestimating the U.S has been and will always be a big mistake.

China will not be a challenge to the U.S economic or military might in the long term and has major fundamental challenges that the United States does not have to face.
The demise of the United States has been greatly exaggerated as it has happened before many times. 

The U.S. should never be underestimated.

Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York

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